Cardio Catheterization

My anxiety is building a little. Stevie has a small procedure tomorrow called a cardio catheterization, which is sort of like an angiogram or angioplasty (which I didn’t know what that was until the doc explained it).
Basically the cardiologist will make a small incision in the groin area and run a tube up through his blood vessels. They will then inject dye through the veins and take an x-ray. This will prepare them for his upcoming surgery by allowing them to see how all the vessels and heart are working. They will also be making sure the heart has no additional holes that need to be patched. It will just show things that may have been missed in all his ultrasounds.
It’s an invasive, but minor (?), procedure and we should be going home from the hospital that night or the next morning. They don’t expect any complications. But anytime the baby has to be in the hospital and under anesthesia, it’s a little nerve-wrecking. And whenever the doctors don’t expect complications, I’m reminded of his first surgery when he had major complications.

So just asking you guys to send a couple extra prayers, vibes, happy thoughts, etc. our way that our little buggy boy will be safe and back home as quickly as possible!!
  1. You and your family are always on our thoughts and prayers. Sending good vibes and love to your family. Hope the minor procedure goes well. Love you guys.

    Gina, Oliver, and Alex

  2. oh boy, hang in there sissy! i’ll be at work tomorrow until 5 ish, but text me or call me if you need anything!

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