Christmas Crafting Week: DIY Rustic Ribbon Ornament

This week, I’ll show you a few of the craft projects I attempted for Christmas. My whole entire life, I have always tried to be a crafty person. But I’ve realized over the years, and all of the failed attempts, that I’m just not. And that’s ok. These ones are actually so easy, they made me feel invincible!! Not really.

Since Stevie doesn’t like when I look at anything other than him, I had to work fast.  This rustic tree ornament was simplicity at it’s best and I really love how it turned out.

The tutorial can be found here.

My notes:

  • When collecting sticks, I got a variety of sizes, but the long, thin ones look best.
  • This is totally perfect for leftover ribbon scraps, but I truly don’t have any ribbon. Another tell-tale sign that I’m not crafty. I found some in the Target dollar bins. It’s just enough ribbon for 2 of these ornaments.
  • Tie the ribbons in double knots to get them to lay flatter.
  • And use a hot glue gun to make them stay.

for the home, rustic ribbon christmas tree ornament, diyCute huh?

  1. Speaking of kindergarten skills (which I did on Facebook under my real name instead of the pseudonym Disqus uses for me here,) I like that you trim the ribbon AFTER you tie it on, ’cause I was worried about centering it. On the other hand, I once finished trimming my bangs while my mother was on the phone (we only had landlines connected to the wall in those days.) She said she was only gone for a minute, but i had time to get bored of sitting in the dining room with hair in my face, trim my bangs, go to the bathroom to look in the mirror, see that they weren’t straight, and go back and forth several times trying to even them up, ending up with a ragged ¼-½” fringe. Why I didn’t just take the scissors into the bathroom, I don’t know. I was about six. Can you tell that it scarred me for life and I still get a little freaked out when I have to cut something with scissors?

  2. SO cute! I love this idea. Just came from Target and we BOUGHT all ours this year…..urg. 🙂 This is much better!

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