A Moment in Sonoma

We just got back from a trip to San Francisco (more about that later).  But I had to share a moment with you.

This moment.  

I know he looks like a walking pro/sexy model.  He is neither of those things.  Yet.  But to see him walking (stumbling) hand in hand with his Baba.  Then to turn back and look at me with that big, proud smile?  OH!  My heart grew wings and flew to outer space.  And then it burst into a million pieces.  Because I love them both so much.

This weekend was not easy.  We had fun, but Stephen was on a rampage with his behavior.  Paul and I looked at each other many, many times with exasperation in our eyes.  I was on the verge of tears at our freakin’ lunch table.  It was tough.  But I hope that when I think of our little family trip to San Francisco, this is the moment I remember most.  Because it was simply the best.

  1. This should be framed somewhere in your house. Just lovely. Makes my heart sing also. <3

  2. You know, with all of the troubles we’ve had with Tucker, now that he’s 4 and has gotten past some of the struggles, I find it hard to remember some of the tough times. There are things that will trigger memories of the rough patches, but I tend to just remember the sweet, sweet times and the great pictures of memories that we made. I pray that will be the case for you, too.

    1. Mandy, you are so right. When I look back at Stevie’s videos as a 6 month old and a 1 year old, I can’t really remember what craziness he was pulling at the time. I’m just in awe of how little he was and how much he has changed. Thanks for the reminder.

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