NYC, Camp Magoo!

OK, it was actually called Camp Nubar.  But if you imagine a bald, mustached Moroccan with a thick French accent yelling out “Camp Magoooo!!” every so often, it’s so much more funny.

#peltekiansdoNY, cousins trip, family, fun weekend, going places, new york city, summer camp, weekend trip

Pretty place, lots of rain, nice lake, especially loved when the huz showed me around and shared some of his childhood memories. I could just picture his cute little self running all around there!

—– ok who’s driving? —–#peltekiansdoNY, summer camp, cousins trip, family, fun weekend, going places, new york city, weekend trip —– my ass hurt for 3 days after this trip —–#peltekiansdoNY, summer camp, cousins trip, family, fun weekend, going places, new york city, weekend trip —– snaps from summer camp! —–#peltekiansdoNY, summer camp, cousins trip, family, fun weekend, going places, new york city, weekend trip #peltekiansdoNY, summer camp, cousins trip, family, fun weekend, going places, new york city, weekend trip #peltekiansdoNY, summer camp, cousins trip, family, fun weekend, going places, new york city, weekend trip #peltekiansdoNY, summer camp, cousins trip, family, fun weekend, going places, new york city, weekend trip #peltekiansdoNY, summer camp, cousins trip, family, fun weekend, going places, new york city, weekend trip #peltekiansdoNY, summer camp, cousins trip, family, fun weekend, going places, new york city, weekend trip —– you better believe stevie walked that bridge. coulda done it for dayssss. —–#peltekiansdoNY, summer camp, cousins trip, family, fun weekend, going places, new york city, weekend trip #peltekiansdoNY, summer camp, cousins trip, family, fun weekend, going places, new york city, weekend trip #peltekiansdoNY, summer camp, cousins trip, family, fun weekend, going places, new york city, weekend trip #peltekiansdoNY, summer camp, cousins trip, family, fun weekend, going places, new york city, weekend trip #peltekiansdoNY, summer camp, cousins trip, family, fun weekend, going places, new york city, weekend trip —– back in the city —–#peltekiansdoNY, summer camp, cousins trip, family, fun weekend, going places, new york city, weekend trip —– finished up the night with some authentic NY pizza at Lombardi’s —–#peltekiansdoNY, summer camp, cousins trip, family, fun weekend, going places, new york city, weekend trip #peltekiansdoNY, summer camp, cousins trip, family, fun weekend, going places, new york city, weekend trip #peltekiansdoNY, summer camp, cousins trip, family, fun weekend, going places, new york city, weekend trip

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