Early Birds + Banana Stand + Memorial Weekend

Sometimes it is crazy how many things we can fit into a Saturday.  Part of that is due to the fact that we are up and at ’em by 7am these days, instead of noon.  We kind of amaze ourselves when we can make a Goodwill drop, eat brunch, get haircuts, visit Target… and there’s still half the day to go!  Plenty of time for naps or work or whatever else is necessary.  I’m not saying I wouldn’t sleep in if given the opportunity, because oh, I would.  I would sleep in like. a. boss.  But there is something about getting an early start to the day too.

Memorial Day weekend had a lot going on.  I took a bunch of random pictures. Here ya go!

memorial day, banana stand, BBQ^^^Bluth’s Frozen Banana Stand in Culver City^^^

memorial day, banana stand, BBQ^^^Over an hour wait for bananas!  So we just walked around^^^

memorial day, banana stand, BBQ memorial day, banana stand, BBQ memorial day, banana stand, BBQ^^^Chevy’s for din-din^^^memorial day, banana stand, BBQmemorial day, banana stand, BBQ^^^Brunch at a new place^^^

memorial day, banana stand, BBQ^^^Got the carpets cleaned.  Kind of a nightmare^^^

memorial day, banana stand, BBQ^^^Indian Food with the Utah bestests^^^

memorial day, banana stand, BBQ^^^Haircuts for the boys.  Stevie still hates it^^^

memorial day, banana stand, BBQ^^^At a surprise birthday party!^^^

memorial day, banana stand, BBQ^^^BBQ’d with some pals.  Stevie just happily watched their cute girl run all around.  So fun^^^

memorial day, banana stand, BBQ memorial day, banana stand, BBQ^^^Superheroes gotta shop too^^^

memorial day, banana stand, BBQ^^^Another week in the land of Peltekian comes to a close.  On to the next.^^^

  1. Just gotta say, the pic with Stevie’s hands raised and the “I pooped today” shirt was too much! That made my morning!!

    1. it’s right off our walkway in the condo complex!

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