Los Angeles County Museum of Art

… or LACMA for short.  You all know what it is.  There was free admission yesterday, so I thought I’d take the Stevie.  We actually never even made it inside, but he liked the elevated mass, the tar pits and the light installation.  Well he liked them second best to the stairs and the ramps.  We had a pizza lunch at the restaurant in the courtyard, and we were unimpressed.  Then we walked out front and saw about 500 food trucks.  Dang it!  Next time we will feast on terribly delicious truck food for a quarter of the price.  Maybe we’ll go inside the museum too.  Maybe.

going places, lacma, los angeles county museum of artgoing places, lacma, los angeles county museum of artgoing places, lacma, los angeles county museum of artgoing places, lacma, los angeles county museum of artgoing places, lacma, los angeles county museum of artgoing places, lacma, los angeles county museum of artgoing places, lacma, los angeles county museum of artgoing places, lacma, los angeles county museum of artgoing places, lacma, los angeles county museum of artgoing places, lacma, los angeles county museum of art

  1. I love L.A.! It looks so beautiful. And Stevie is so adorable with his friend Mickey.

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