Stevie & Mama Go to Disneyland

Most of you know that Stevie and I keep a pretty packed schedule.  Between 8 therapy sessions a week and preschool and errands and naps and whatever else comes our way, we don’t have a ton of free time.  And I never thought I was the type of person who relied on schedules and plans.  But lately I do.  I need that structure.  And if things go off schedule, I have a more difficult time adapting than I used to.  However, there is one time-filler that, when I have the energy for, we both can enjoy.

Of course.  It’s Disneyland.

Last Tuesday, two of Stevie’s therapy sessions got canceled.  So instead of panicking about how to entertain him for those 3 hours, we packed some snacks, hopped in the car and headed to the parks.  I didn’t anticipate having a magical time with him, because my fantasies so rarely turn out as I want them to.  But I figured at least we would be outside and it’d be slightly more exciting than the playground down the street.

And guess what?  This trip actually was magical!  We both had so much fun.  He was in a great mood.  The weather was perfection.  No major meltdowns.  I didn’t want the day to end!  Oh, and believe it or not, whenever a ride was over, he actually used the sign for “more”.  That’s a first.  (Except on the Jungle Cruise. Halfway through that one, he did the sign for “all done”.  Can’t blame the kid, right?)  It was so fun to see him being more interactive and interested in the things going on around him.  And even getting a little scared when the rides were dark.  Trust me, when your kid is not a snuggler, it’s kind of a precious moment when they cling to you out of fear.  I’ll take what I can get.

going-places-mother-son-disneyland-day-01^^^ not trying to be cool, rockin’ the fanny pack ^^^

going-places-mother-son-disneyland-day-02 going-places-mother-son-disneyland-day-03 going-places-mother-son-disneyland-day-04 going-places-mother-son-disneyland-day-05^^^ don’t want to ride this alone!! ^^^

going-places-mother-son-disneyland-day-06^^^ that’s better ^^^

going-places-mother-son-disneyland-day-07 going-places-mother-son-disneyland-day-08 going-places-mother-son-disneyland-day-09going-places-mother-son-disneyland-day-10 going-places-mother-son-disneyland-day-11 going-places-mother-son-disneyland-day-12 going-places-mother-son-disneyland-day-13^^^ favorite ride of the day.  mater’s tractor pull.  he cried when it was over! ^^^

Thanks for a great day, little man!

    1. can’t wait to go again with you guys!

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