The 7 Stages of Road Trip Grief

Whenever I drive to Southern Utah, I have to take into account the LA —-> Vegas traffic.  (Or vice versa.) Oh, it is the worst.  What normally takes 6 hours can take 9.  If at all possible, I avoid driving there on a Friday and driving home on a Sunday.  It WILL take forever.

Unfortunately, sometimes it is unavoidable.  That is when coping mechanisms come into play.  Sometimes without even realizing it’s happening.

1) Shock.  Did I actually forget that there would be traffic today?!  This looks insane.  I can’t imagine this many people are going to the same place?  What is happening??!

2) Denial.  Well, I’m sure once I get past Primm, everything will open up.  It won’t be so bad.  I can still make it home in 6 hours.

3) Guilt.  I can’t believe I’m making my poor kid sit in the car for this long.  He is so bored.  And I’m getting annoyed with his grumpies.  I’m the worst parent ever.  I should have never dragged him on a road trip!

4) Anger.  Seriously.  What the hell?!  It took an hour to get from Jean to Primm?!  I’m not even past Primm yet?!! This is absurd.  I hate everyone!!!  Get off the road!!!!!  Look at this moron!  Learn to drive!!! Why were you all in Vegas anyway?  Bunch of drunk idiots!

5) Bargaining.  Please, please, God.  Please let this traffic open up.  I would give anything to just get home right now.  How much would it be to just spend the night in Primm or Barstow?  I’ll get a hotel.  Or better yet, I’ll just leave my car somewhere and rent a helicopter.  I’ll come back for my car on a less crowded weekday.  There has to be an easier way!  Maybe we should buy a home in Victorville, just so this drive will be shorter.

6) Upward turn.  Ok, the baby is asleep.  Ok, we can do this.  Now we are past Baker and almost to Barstow.  It seems like we have been driving forever, but I think we’ll be OK.

7) Acceptance & Hope.  Wow.  We are in Barstow.  Traffic is supposed to improve just past the outlets.  And… look at this!  We are moving!  Oh my gosh, we are going forward!  This is the best thing that’s ever happened!  We can still make it home by 9pm.  That really wasn’t so bad!

Sometimes I swear I’ll never drive again.  But when you get to spend the weekend in a place like Lake Powell, it’s kind of worth it.

 Congrats to my stepbrother Brian & his new wife Brooke!  And thanks for the fabulous weekend!!