Hair 'Do or 'Don't?

Whenever I get my hair cut, I always have this amazing image in my head of what it will look like – funky, modern and FABULOUS! Then as I sit in the chair and get it chopped off, I start getting nervous. The short hair will make my cheeks look chubby! What was I thinking? Oh and now my double chin is really obvious! I carry on a normal conversation with my stylist and try not to look panicked, but all the while I’m doubting my decision. After processing the look and having all the people in the salon tell me how amazing my hair is looking, I start getting used to the idea. Yes! This will work. Its going to look great. As I drive home, I look in the rear-view mirror about 30 times and start to enjoy it. Then when I get home and look in a real mirror one last time, I think oh well. Its fine. Not exactly fabulous, but its alright. Next time I will grow it out.

This is a typical thought cycle for me. After my hair grows out a couple inches, I’m like NEVERMIND! Let’s cut it again. Its so fun when its cute and short! And here we go again. It is hard being me. HAHA!
One Comment
  1. you are just too stinkin cute! I love your hair, it is cute, funky and fabulous! I drove by a curves yesterday and I thought of you with a chuckle wanting to go inside and see reasons for the season or their trivia for the day. But I also thought good for Jaana, way to go and get your body going as I went to wendys. good times

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