LifeProof iPhone Case

I love, love, love my LifeProof phone case.  Besides being waterproof, I can take pictures in swimming pools, and it’s also safe from rain, snow, dirt.  But most importantly, it’s shatterproof from 6 feet up.  As someone who cracked their iPhone screen 2x’s in one month, this is kind of a big deal.

I also recommend this case to every Mom who is looking for one.  I’m saying EVERY MOM OF A TODDLER SHOULD HAVE ONE OF THESE.  When my kid throws the phone, chews on the phone, or spits all over it — it’s safe.  I like that I can just rinse it off in the sink and go about my day.

Recently, we had a family vacation at a beach house.  Therefore, I decided I would take my camera/phone in the ocean.  Duh! Had to get some awesome shots of everyone having fun.  I don’t have a wrist strap, but I used a hair tie to sort of secure it to my hand.  Sort of.  Everything was great for the first hour or so and I was getting a bunch of fun pictures like this:

Then, of course, it happened.

A gentle current brushed my palm the wrong way, and my phone slipped right out of my fingers down, down, down to the bottom of the sea.  I could see it sinking.  And I couldn’t grab it.  I screamed “MY PHONE!!!!”  Everybody froze.  We all started moving our feet across the sand.  But I knew. Obviously, I knew it was gone. Even if it had landed somewhere close by, it would be covered by sand in no time at all.  My heart sank.  How was I going to explain this to my husband?  How was I going to go on without my iPhone??  My nephew, Sam, very sweetly said “I’m sure we’ll find it.”  I rolled my eyes at him and said “Yeah. Right.”

Everyone continued the search for a few more minutes and I was standing right by Sam when he said “Score.  I found it.” I felt anger rising!  How could he mess with me at a time like this??!  You just don’t joke about these things!  Rude!

But he dove down, grabbed it, and rose like a phoenix from the ashes, iPhone in hand!!!!!

<— Dramatic flair.

Unbelievable.  I screamed in delight and latched onto him for probably 2 minutes too long.  Everyone in the water and on the shore were cheering and shouting for joy.  The phone was safe and sound in it’s little LifeProof case.  Even 6 feet down in the murky, dark Pacific Ocean.

When I told this story to my brother I said “Only me!  This would only happen to me!” And he responded, “Well, you’re the only person stupid enough to take your phone into the ocean.”
