Low Sugar Lowdown: 5 Tips to Stay on Track

I’ve had this post ready to go for 2 weeks, but got hung up on what picture to post. So. Here are some apples. Because those are healthy!


If you’ve read the backstory and seen the diet plan, now you probably want to know how it all holds up over time.  I only started these changes 4 months ago, so I obviously have a long way to go, but I will tell you what has worked for me to keep the weight off so far.

  1. Keep junk food out of the house.  Just throw it away.  Don’t look back. When in doubt, read the ingredients.  Lots of weird stuff listed? Added sugar?  Not good for you.
  2. The fridge and cupboards need to be stocked with good options. And I mean stocked.  If you stick to a schedule and have plenty of options to choose from, you will be less likely to eat junk when you get hungry or are out on the run.
  3. Find healthier replacement foods for your usual menu.  This is one of the things I love about my diet.  I don’t have to give up everything.  I just find things that are a little better for me!  For example, regular mayo can be switched for the mayo made with olive oil since it has more natural ingredients.  If you like salty snacks, try plain Triscuits instead of chips because they’re made with very few ingredients.  Stay away from salad dressings and simply use olive oil, vinegar and lemon.  Peanut butter with lots of crazy additives can be swapped for a natural peanut butter.  If you’re having pizza, get it loaded with veggies on a thin whole wheat crust.  The list goes on and on!  Making these adjustments will help you feel like these changes can be sustained over a long period of time, and your healthy choices won’t be part of a crash diet.
  4. Learn your body and take care of your needs.  This is a big one.  As I go through this process, I’m learning new things all the time.  For instance, my snacks need to be filling, or else I get hungry and end up feeling deprived.  I’ve learned that if I have a cheat weekend and then hit the diet hard on Monday, it tricks my body in a good way.  I might gain a pound or two, but it’s usually water weight and I can get back on track pretty easily. I’m learning that when I don’t feel like working out, I probably should just do it.  But I also know that my body needs a break sometimes.  I definitely need more sleep, but how to achieve that one is still beyond me!  The point though, is that we have to get to know ourselves and listen to what our bodies want.  Everyone is different. And everything in moderation.  EVERYTHING.
  5. Live a little!  This might be terrible advice, but it keeps me going!  Listen.  We can’t be perfect all the time.  From bad days to busy schedules to get-togethers, it’s nearly impossible to eat 100% healthy.  So make the effort to plan your day!  If you know you have a party to attend, eat as healthy as you can beforehand so you can go to the party and enjoy yourself.  If you are out and about, make up your mind to grab something healthy instead of junk food.  Conscious decision making.

It’s all stuff we know, just one more person acting like an expert on the matter.

On the next episode of The Low Sugar Lowdown, I’ll be answering specific questions I’ve gotten from readers.  Stay tuned!  And if you have any questions, leave them in the comments!

DISCLAIMER:  all these articles are written based solely on my personal experiences.  I am not endorsing any diet plan or sponsored by anyone.  If you couldn’t tell, I’m also NOT a professional nutritionist, athlete, or trainer, so I can only tell you what worked for me.  But you can’t like turn around and sue me if it doesn’t work for you.  Do your research.  K thanks.