Someone Turns 30 Today!

If you grew up with a sister, I think you’ll agree.  It’s pretty great.  I’ve known this girl her entire life.  There aren’t many people I can say that about.

krista turns 30, sisters, birthday
I remember really vaguely as a 5 year old, waking up one morning to be informed by Grandma that mom had gone to the hospital to have the baby.  I don’t remember much else about it, but I do remember that moment.

There are photos of me crying when I had to give my brother a turn to hold little bitty baby Krista.  I wanted her all for myself.  When she was a little bigger, I carried her around like a life size doll.

Growing up, I probably didn’t nourish our relationship the way I should have.  I was just kind of a mean older sister.  Especially in my early teenage years.  Oh I remember being so mad when she bought the same shoes as me.  And punching her in her sleep if she got too close to my side of the bed.

There was lots of arguing sharing a room together all those years.  But I’m so glad we did.   Because there was lots of fun too.  She was always down to let me style her.  She was always game for whatever! And we’d often stay up late into the night in a fit of giggles.  We took family trips together.  And talked about boys.  Well, mostly I talked and she listened.  We prayed together.  I always tried to recruit her for my team, whatever team I was on at the moment.  Whether it was anti-stepdad or what we ate for dinner.  I knew she would stick by me.  I planned many of her birthdays, a baby shower, and we have had countless road trips together.  Most recently we’ve even worked as photographers together.  And of course, I have always loved her.  She has been a good little sister.

Today she is THIRTY years old.  She’s a mom.  She’s a worker bee.  She’s a total babe.  She’s still game for whatever.  Wanna go to Hawaii?!  I know she’ll say “SURE!”  We’ll figure out how to get there later.

Love you sissy!!!  Have a great day and a great year.  I know we’ll do something fun soon.

krista turns 30, sisters, birthdayWe probably have close to a million photos together, these were just a few that I had easy access to.


  1. Thanks sissy!! This was so nice!!!! 🙂 Love you to pieces!

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