Stevie Fan Club {Video: Books + Animal Sounds}

Yes, my kid is a genius – reads books and knows all his animal sounds!

Just kidding.

This is purely for the cute factor.  He’s been turning pages for awhile, but lately it seems like he kind of just wants to look at the pictures, which works out great for me, since I know all of his 50+ books by heart.  Yes, son. Let’s just look at pictures.  All day long.

Now listen – these animal sounds just flat out kill me.  Every time.  His cow sounds like he’s pushing out a turd. His piggy is a snot-maker.  And his kitty makes the exact same sound as his fire truck.  He gets an A+++++++ for effort. And when we waves bye-bye at the end with his chubby fingers?  Well, I’ve officially gone and melted into a pile of mommy goo.

  1. Yay for Stevie! His dexterity with turning pages is great!! I love his sweet, smiling face, and yes, the chubby finger-wave at the end totally melted my heart. You’re doing an amazing job with him, Jaana. His progress is amazing!

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