Stevie Fan Club {Bring Your Kid to Work Day}

In shocking Mommy Fail news, I forgot Stevie had spring break this week.  We drove him all the way to school and realized no one was even there before it dawned on me.

Hashtag forehead slap.

I had already scheduled a Disneyland shoot on Monday and since my clients are part of the Stevie  Fan Club, they were OK with me bringing him along.

I, however, was much more apprehensive.  Stevie’s hard enough to manage without camera equipment in hand.  So, I packed light and we would just see how this went… I envisioned an angry, flailing child, buckled into his stroller, screaming MOM! MOM! MOM!!!!!!!!! as I tried to set up a shot.  It makes my neck hairs stand on end just thinking about it.

disneyland vacation photographer, stevie fan club, parenthood

But you know, he didn’t do half bad!  A couple small tantrums when I wouldn’t let him wonder the streets of California Adventure alone. And he did refuse to wait in a very long line for lunch – so I absolutely paid someone to let me cut in front of them.  Yup.  Took it there.  But he was happy with yummy snacks and making new friends.  And he sort of had fun on the rides.  I didn’t take as many pictures of my clients as I normally would have, so it sent me into a bit of a panic at the end of the day, but it actually turned out just fine.

Maybe I’ll take him to work more often?



  1. You can take him to work, just so long as you take Tati with you!

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