Stevie Fan Club {Christmas Tales}


That happened.

Christmas happened.  And now it’s over.  OK, not totally over yet.  Paul and I are still going to try and watch The Interview before we pass out.

I’m always a little sad right before Christmas, because I feel like it’s coming to an end too soon! I want to cherish more time with our tree.  And the hustle and bustle.  And the lights around town.  And the warm holiday fuzzies.  But once the actual day passes, I’m like OK.  We made it.  On to the new year.

Christmas Eve was hilarious.  So much fun with the cousins.  I don’t even really know where to begin.  You’ll see some pics.  We had a great night.

Christmas was good.  I love that we kept it small – there were literally 5 presents under the tree.  When Stevie woke up, we tried explaining to him that Santa had come!  He ate the cookies!  And left some prezzies!  But Stevie was very irritated that he didn’t actually get to SEE Santa.  He kept saying he wanted to “wait outside” for him.  That we needed to “open the door”.  After all, Santa had his cars!  The fact that there were Hot Wheels scattered around the room meant nothing.  He wanted them to come straight from Santa’s hands.

Oh well, we tried. I’m glad that he knows who Santa is now!

We were also happy to see Stevie is finally able to tear wrapping paper.  First year for that.  It was so cute!! He’d excitedly tear it off in small pieces with a big smile on his face.  Besides spending the day with my lovies, that paper thing was about the highlight.  Haha!  Poor Stevie was so frustrated by some of his toys. One in particular had Paul and I glaring at each other over our coffee mugs.  Rolling our eyes every time this toy didn’t do what Stevie wanted.  I think by about noon, and the 475th tantrum, the toy was put away. By 6pm, we were threatening to never buy him toys again. And debated throwing the new ones in the garbage.  And while I’m divulging family secrets, I’ll tell you, we also ate pizza twice today.  AND if I hadn’t drank so much last night, I’d be cracking another one right now for sure.  It was just that kind of Christmas! We are the best. parents. ever.

Hope you all had a great day!  And if you didn’t, I hope you just made the most of it!  We laugh so we don’t cry, right?  <— My kind of people.

stevie fan club, christmas stevie fan club, christmas stevie fan club, christmas stevie fan club, christmas stevie fan club, christmas
— from these bunch of degenerates to the cutest elf on the planet —

stevie fan club, christmas — i. love. this. face. —stevie fan club, christmas stevie fan club, christmas stevie fan club, christmas

— and our 2014 card in case you missed it —stevie fan club, christmas

OK I’m done. Merry Christmas!

  1. Yay! Love these pictures, especially of the two of you.

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