Stevie Fan Club {Happy Days}

Brace yourselves, because I hardly think anyone could look at these and NOT smile…

stevie fan club, cerritos park, glendale, happy stevie cerritos-park-glendale-happy-stevie-02 cerritos-park-glendale-happy-stevie-03 cerritos-park-glendale-happy-stevie-04 cerritos-park-glendale-happy-stevie-05 cerritos-park-glendale-happy-stevie-06

This was a failed attempt at splash pads (does anyone know if the Cerritos Park water toys work?)… that turned out to be SO. MUCH. FUN.  These pictures were taken while Stevie was chasing me.  Chasing me!!  He didn’t know what to do once he caught me, but he laughed and laughed at the idea. When Stevie gets this big of a smile on his face? Oh! I get about as warm and fuzzy inside as a peach in a hot cooked pie. Sometimes I honestly wondered if we would ever have days like this together.  And here we are, right smack in the middle of them.  Soaking it up, I tell ya.


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