Stevie Fan Club {The Dreaded Eye Doctor}

Remember the last time I went to the eye doctor?  And it was a total nightmare?  And I almost gave up my will to live?  You can read about it here.  This time was much better.  Still difficult, but better.

For some reason, this ophthalmologist only has appointments available right around Stevie’s nap time.  They start seeing people at 1:45pm.  This makes no sense to me, but that is a whole other issue.

What they failed to mention this time around, was that they were doing his full 1-year exam.  Maybe they mentioned it and I just forgot.  That’s totally possible too.  But not likely.  Well, it’s likely.  But no.  I think they failed to mention it.  That is what I choose to believe.  So it’s an even longer visit.  Sigh.  They took him in to dilate his eyes and then sent us back to the waiting room, saying “We’ll be back to check on him in 40 minutes.”   My heart started racing.  FORTY MINUTES.  What the f are we going to do for 40 minutes?! This guy can’t even be content at home for FORTY MINUTES.

But he was.  He found a little push car – the same one that did not work out in our favor the last time we were there because he kept ramming it into people.  But I guess in the last 3 months he learned how to steer!  So he was happy as a clam pushing that thing all around.  Then there were a couple older kids who played with him, mimicking his funny faces.  And boy, he loves when people do that.

So the only issue was the actual exam.  He screamed and writhed and was tired of waiting.  But guess what?  The exam is only 5 minutes.  (BTW, we wait for an hour and a half to be seen by the eye doctor for 5 minutes.  Never fails.)  In the long run, as annoying as it is that we’ve been waiting so long, I can handle his antics for 5 minutes.

I thanked my lucky stars many times that day.  And gave a big ol’ hollaback to the Lord, just in case he didn’t know I was grateful.  For that push car, for those kids who played with him, and for the fact that he fell asleep on the way home and didn’t wake up when I brought him upstairs.  I mean, it can’t really be explained any other way than a miracle from above.

parenthood, stevie fan club, opthalmologist, eye doctorparenthood, stevie fan club, opthalmologist, eye doctor parenthood, stevie fan club, opthalmologist, eye doctor

  1. He is too cute! Love the tender mercies!!

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