Taking Stock for Autumn

Making: coffee.
Cooking: quinoa and black beans constantly.
Drinking: the biggest green tea that Starbucks offers.
Reading: Max the Brave every night.
Wanting: clogs.
Looking: old and tired.
Playing: 90’s jams
Wishing: away my wrinkles.  Positive thinking has to count for something right?
Enjoying: when Stevie wants to go to the train park.  It’s weird, I’m not that sick of it yet.
Waiting: very patiently for El Nino.  GET HERE.
Liking: that we are successfully living with less stuff.  For now.
Wondering: if Stevie will ever enjoy swim lessons.
Loving: every single new word or phrase that comes out of Stevie’s mouth.
Pondering: how difficult it is to maintain friendships in your 30’s!
Considering: the difference between being “unhappy” and “stressed out”.
Buying: a freakin’ house.  It’s the most intense I’ve ever been over anything in my whole life.
Deciding: how many parties we can realistically host once we move.
Watching: the Goldbergs, the Middle, and Fresh Off the Boat (in between Walking Dead, of course).
Hoping: everything just goes according to plan for once.
Marveling: at my busy season for photography this year.  Holy canoli.
Cringing: when the ends of my hair look fried.
Needing: to resize my wedding ring!
Questioning: how I am so bad at yoga.
Smelling: Shakey’s Pizza next door.
Wearing: as little as possible without offending anyone.
Following: Grechen for more sustainable shopping inspiration.
Noticing: that I have a love/hate relationship with social media.  I just can’t quit you.
Knowing: I could easily become a thrift store junkie.
Thinking: maybe Lumosity isn’t helping my brain as much as I hoped it would.
Admiring: my husband.  He is GETTIN’ SH*T DONE.
Trying: a new blonde hair method where I put my purple shampoo on before I get my hair wet. (Here)
Sorting: Hot Wheels by color.
Getting: excited for the GOOD THINGS ARE HAPPENING mantra to come true.
Bookmarking: ideas for a tiny guest room.
Coveting: a new computer.
Disliking: the feeling that I’m falling behind on what needs to get done.
Giggling: at those “trying to get through life” video memes – like this and this.
Feeling: like I’m in deep dark creative rut.  Blah.
Snacking: yes.
Convincing: myself that just a little cheese won’t hurt.  I’m usually wrong.
Hearing: Paul click-clack away on his keyboard.  He’s a loud clicker-clacker.

I originally found the Taking Stock list on the Meet Me at Mike’s blog. Thanks for checking in!

  1. Stevie is so darn cute!!

    What a great rundown of things…

    …I feel you so hard on the creative rut, I am especially looking at my photography right now. I wish I loved it like I used to! I kind of love/hate it right now. Trying to put my finger on the change that needs to happen (clients? skill?)

    1. I feel you ALL THE WAY. Total love/hate thing. (‘Tis the season?) And I’m too tired to take pics of the things that *I* want to remember.

  2. Stevie is so stinking cute! And so are you with this excellent list …. LOL!

  3. Oh my gosh, the Meme just cracked me up. So. Stinking. True. Wishing you a great day!

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