Stevie Fan Club {2 Year Old Update}

Stevie has been doing great the last few weeks.  His walking has tripled since Thanksgiving, no joke  He is still clumsy as hell, but not for lack of trying.  (Videos coming soon.)  He spends a good majority of his days chasing poor Gadoo around the house…  And I couldn’t be happier about it, while Gadoo is just like how has my life come to this?  Stevie still has his rough days and struggles in therapy, but we are so glad to be seeing some progress.

His most difficult sessions seem to be OT, when we work on his fine motor skills.  Oh man, he gets frustrated easily.  If you ask him to pull apart 2 mega blocks, he basically turns into The Hulk and furiously shakes his head and groans and yells.  He just can’t do it.   This is making signing difficult as well.  So  we have a lot to work on.  We will be exploring why he struggles with it all so much, as he continues therapy for the next year.

A couple changes will be happening in February though.  Right now, all his therapists come to our house, but OT and PT will be moving to a clinic setting in February.  The therapists feel like it will be a better environment for him and give him more options to use different equipment and dedicate time to sensory play.  While we are all certain he will hate it, I hope it gives him more focus.  At least he won’t be as distracted by things in the house during his sessions.  Squirrel!

The other change is big.  Huge.  Gigantic.  The little dude will be starting preschool!

The Regional Center offers Early Intervention Preschool and now that he’s 2, he’s been approved for 4 hours a day, 3 x’s a week.  I can hardly believe it’s happening.  We went and toured his preschool last week and I couldn’t hold back tears. I thought I’d be so super duper excited to get rid of him for a few hours during the week.  But I’ve been a little weepy over the whole thing.  Not only because he won’t be here with me, but because of… just mom issues, I guess.  I’m feeling a bit of the failure/guilt thing happening because I am not able to just teach him the basics at home.  I never envisioned sending my kids to preschool unless I was working or something, but I know it will be so good for him.  I have to laugh imagining the teachers trying to get him to sit through “art time”, but I hope being around other kids will help.  Socialization is the biggest reason we want to do it.  And if I can squeeze in a pedicure every now and then, I guess that wouldn’t be the worst thing.

Never wants to wear his glasses anymore. It’s bad. I’m sure the eye doc will not be thrilled.

I was going to post his stats, but I can’t remember them.  My brain has gone bye-bye with how busy we are. He’s in the 80th percentile for height and 90th for weight I think.  Big boy.  And he may only have the skills of a 1-year old, but he has the attitude of a 2-year old.  Love the dang kid.


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