LA Zoo

In true me-fashion, I had to squeeze in one more thing before Paul headed back to work after the holiday break. I figured with the Los Angeles Zoo being so close, we might as well take Stevie to see how he would like it.  I didn’t really have high hopes.  I remembered taking my nephew around this age, and I don’t think he cared about the animals nearly as much as he did the playground.  But worst case scenario, we could let Stevie go to the playground too and then drive the 5 minutes home to put him down for a nap.

But it was actually a pleasant day.  Well, a pleasant 2 hours, since that’s about all Paul could handle.  Stevie seemed the most interested in the meerkats (he made the sound for doggy when he saw them) and the giraffe (because it’s a giraffe).

We ended up getting a family pass in the hopes that I could take Stevie again in short increments a few times throughout the year.  It’s actually in Griffith Park where we do PT, so I imagine we could stop by for lunch and visit the animals after a therapy session?

I’ll let you know how that goes.

*Side note to sister: I put Jorel’s name on the pass, so when you guys come visit, you both will be freeeeeeeee!


Before we even got in the zoo, we lost his glasses.  Backtracked to the car and luckily saw them!going-places-los-angeles-zoo-02going-places-los-angeles-zoo-03going-places-los-angeles-zoo-04going-places-los-angeles-zoo-14going-places-los-angeles-zoo-05

Aw, it’s our closest relative!
They have a HUGE NEW elephant exhibit.  But these are the only elephants we saw…going-places-los-angeles-zoo-07going-places-los-angeles-zoo-08going-places-los-angeles-zoo-09going-places-los-angeles-zoo-10going-places-los-angeles-zoo-11going-places-los-angeles-zoo-12

Best pastrami sandwiches in SoCal.  Put one in my belly that day.



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