Chambray Shirt

I have heard chatter over the last few years that a chambray shirt is no longer in style. It is OUT! Is that true? Or are we just bored with the idea? Styles come and go so quickly these days, sometimes we don’t even have time to let a trend catch on before it’s gone. This one has been around awhile though. So while others may think it’s dated, I choose too look at it as a classic. Maybe a boring classic, but a classic nonetheless. If nothing else, it’s a great neutral and goes with pretty much anything, so I can never seem to send it to the Posh Pile.

outfit notes

Well this is a lazy outfit! Not much styling happening other than I put on big gold hoops for dramatic effect. What else is new? The chambray shirt is secondhand and runs TTS. It’s labeled as a “slim fit” and I think sizing up in this style never hurts for a more relaxed feel. In fact, since I’ve gained a few pounds, I’m thinking about trying to find this one in the next size up. I think I wear it enough to justify. But, as with any shopping considerations right now, we’ll wait and see if I ever go outside again before buying.

allyship notes

I don’t think my heart was prepared for this lesson on lynching. But I think it’s important to see. Because our eyes have long been shielded from the horrors of white supremacy, it’s on us to seek out hard truths and truly learn to understand what Black Americans have lived through. These stories were recommended by my friend Janet (she has shared many good resources), and I really debated watching them, because I’m already sensitive as it is. The images were hard to look at. But it only deepens my understanding of what Black people are fighting for and against. If this makes you uncomfortable… roll with that, and watch it anyway.


  1. Hi, just to say that the link re lynching took me to Sports Highlights.

    Thank you for the allyship notes, I’ve found the recommendations very helpful.

    Kind regards


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