5 More Friday Confessions

  1. Told Stevie “I love you” and he answered “I wove YOU… cars.”
  2. Even if I had no intention of going, when there is no line at the Starbucks drive-thru, I’m doing it.
  3.  Saw that the temps will be in the 70’s next week and started making some crazy promises to Stevie of all the places we’d go and the things we’d see.
  4. I have diagnosed myself with a stress ulcer.  Don’t worry, I’ll see a doctor.  Someday.
  5. I can’t believe it’s Friday.  Hell, I can’t believe it’s October.  Yet, somehow, waiting to move makes this the longest month ever in the history of mankind.

henley top: gap (usa made option and it’s on sale)/ denim jacket: levi’s / cut-off shorts: aeo (you can always scout the thrift stores and cut your own)  / sandals: birks / watch: arvowear / bracelets: alex + ani / sunnies: ray-ban