Outfits 43 - 49 + Our Podcast

You see?! After all my bragging about writing a blog post 7 weeks in a row, I fell off the wagon. To be fair, I had a good excuse as I was taking Stevie out of town. But still. It’s like bragging that your kid slept through the night… Aaaand you just jinxed it.

On a different note, have you guys listened to our podcast yet? It’s called Spousal Support and it has been a fun little project to have with my husband. We are 12 episodes deep now! We’ve talked about life, vacations, parenting, marriage, exercise, minimalism, and even had a mini guest star a couple weeks ago. I hope you guys will tune in. We haven’t really figured out a release schedule yet, but it’s usually every 2 weeks or so. Very professional, I know. We can be found on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Music, and Spotify.

outfits of the week

No time to link outfits, but feel free to hit me up with any questions!
