IMPULSE with #thefourshoppingrules

IMPULSE is the third step of The Four Shopping Rules.

I want to preface this topic by saying it is one that I’m certain I will struggle with until the day I leave this planet — rocket ship or otherwise.

The 3rd “i” of #thefourshoppingrules is IMPULSE CONTROL. Through this first round of discussions (yes, there will be more!), there are a few areas where we can and should control our impulses.

First, as we are doing inventory and cleaning out our closets, I think a lot of us have the impulse to get rid of as much as we can as quickly as we can. That’s the way I did things! But it never sat right with me once I learned how donation-based systems work and where our clothes actually end up. If you have the option, take your time here. See if the item can be mended, tailored, or re-purposed. Try to sell or consign. Do a clothing swap. See if they can go to friends and/or family. Donate to a women’s shelter or smaller organization. And if all else fails, send them off to the local thrift shop.

As if that isn’t hard enough, we also have to look at impulse buying. Since so many of us shop because of emotional triggers like sadness, joy, loneliness, and boredom, it’s really about breaking old habits. There are lots of “tricks” we can use at first (i.e. carry cash only, leave credit cards at home, don’t save card info online) but it will always lead back to one thing.

Building up our will power.

Truthfully, there is no other way to do that than practice, practice, practice.

To break my Target clothes shopping addiction, I would sit in my car for a couple minutes before going inside and repeat to myself, “don’t look at the clothes. Don’t look at the clothes. Don’t look at the clothes.” As I walked past them I kept my blinders on. I would avoid them at all cost and practice this new way of shopping every time. Until one day about 4 months later, I realized that I had walked in without even thinking of the clothes. I had officially broken the habit. It was my biggest breakthrough to date. And it gave me confidence to know that with time and practice, I COULD do this if I really wanted to. But I still have to practice.

Building up your willpower will look different for everyone. But again, start small. Reference your plan from Rule 1. Know why you want this. You’ll get there.

What tricks do you use to stop spending?
