B-day Post

This was never meant to be JUST a baby blog. I know its starting to look that way, as I don’t have much else going on in my life other than baby worries. But I did recently have a birthday. Yup, I’m 32. I remember when my Dad turned 32. That’s weird because I thought he was so old! And now here I am… But he had a good trick – he used to tell everyone he was “Almost 30.” Then he would snicker because they didn’t know he was counting backwards. Might try that one.

On Saturday night, I got to celebrate with my pals. We had pizza and cake and ice cream. We just tried to catch up on things, since it has been awhile. The baby always turns into the center of attention, which I don’t mind, but I’m sure gets annoying to others once in awhile. For me, it was just nice to get out and spend some time with everyone.

On Sunday, my awesome husband took care of the baby ALL DAY so that I could sleep in, get my nails done, and do some shopping. It was nice to have a break, although I regret not sleeping more! And I will say after being away from home for almost 4 hours, I was anxious to get back. Nothing has ever pulled me away from a GAP sale before, but knowing the bitty and the huz were at home, I really wanted to hang out with them!
So far, 32 is just fine. It kind of sneaked up on me since January was such a whirlwind, but I’m OK with it.
  1. I feel the same way when I leave my little girls at home. I start to miss them even if it’s only been a few hours.
    Glad to hear you had such an awesome day! You deserved it after the month you’ve had.

  2. Happy (Late) Birthday! I’m a winner! ; ) Sleep to me sounds like the best gift ever! I’m gunna try that one with my next birthday.
    Love you LOTS!
    oh and yes! We need to meet up at the magic kingdom…that would be so fun! And the photo blog…you’ve got it!

  3. I’m glad you had a happy day and did what you wanted to do.
    About the whole baby thing taking over your life… it does. 🙂 I find it’s best to let it. It’s okay that being a mom is my identity now; I just don’t want it to consume why whole identity. I try to read. I try to foster my friendships. I try to write. I try to be creative–whether it’s through cooking, decorating, or taking pictures.
    That being said, being a mom is the best job ever.
    Just my opinion. For what it’s worth.

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