Just wanted to update real quick that we got some awesome news today. Stephen does not need the second procedure done to re-wire his sternum!

Not for now anyway.

We took him in for his pre-op appointment and before they got all his blood drawn and consent forms signed, I mentioned that I hadn’t heard that same popping sound coming from his chest in about a week. The nurse practitioner double checked and also didn’t hear anything. So she had me wait around for the surgeon and when he checked, he didn’t hear or feel anything abnormal either.
We have to keep an eye on it, but somehow the problem seems to have corrected itself. Don’t know why or how, but don’t really care either. Just glad they don’t have to cut Stevie open again so soon!
Now we have about 6-8 months to prepare for his next big surgery. This is the one where they will actually go in and repair the two problems with his heart – the hole between the left & right side and the new pulmonary valve. Once that is done, he’ll be good as new (until he’s around 8-10 years old when he will need replacement parts to go along with his growing body). For now, we’ll just keep him healthy and growing – up to 8 lbs, 11 oz now!
OK, I need a nap!
  1. YAYAYAYAYYAYAYAY! (Back flip, cartwheel!)…I know you wanna seee a pregnant woman do that haw?
    That is GREAT News! What a HUGE Blessing!

  2. that is GREAT news!! and he’s already getting so big 🙁 why does it go so fast?!

  3. Woohoo! That’s great news! My little baby Scar was sick this last weekend with a wicked virus and it just pained me to see her so uncomfortable and there wasn’t much I could do for her.

    You’re an amazing women to have gone through all that with your son so far.

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