Maxi Skirt + Oxfords

I fell in love with these shoes while they were still sitting on the shelf, as the sales associate went looking for my size.  I knew we were meant to be together.  It was love at first sight.  I anxiously anticipated our soles joining as one.  And… a perfect fit.  They will be mine to the end!  As I packed them up to take them home, my heart was all a flutter.  Oh, the outfits that will be complete with just a simple, beautiful pair of shoes!

So, I’ve been working on keeping my emotional attachment with stuff under control.  I don’t want stuff to make me happy.  I want to be more satisfied with the little things in life and not always be on the hunt for more stuff to fill a space.

As you can tell, that’s working out really well for me.  

White Sweater: Forever 21 (Similar)
Plaid Scarf: Gap (Similar)
Maxi Skirt: Forever 21 {xxi} (Similar)
Oxfords: Clarks Desert Wings