Peasant Blouse

Today was long and today was hot. But none of what we did is important, other than Stevie’s cardiologist appointment. I don’t know how much detail to give, so I’ll start with this: everything is stable, and we’ll go back in six months. Huzzah! If that’s all you wanted to know, skip ahead. If you’re curious for more info, I went into a bit more detail on this post.

Since that failed procedure last year, we’ve kinda been waiting for him to go into a more severe heart failure before putting him under the knife again for another open heart surgery. And lucky for us, that little valve is still holding strong. It’s shriveled and leaky, but not enough to cause him any distress. So for now, we let him keep growing and doing his thing! I’ll take it!

outfit details

Peasant blouse, boho top, puffy or balloon sleeve shirt…I have so many different names for these types of blouses, but really they are all the same idea. This was a style I never was really sure that I could pull off, but as I mentioned here, I think I found the formula that works for me. My peasant blouse of choice will always have an oversized, flowy bodice and big ol’ sleeves for a start. I have also learned that I prefer them in solid, neutral colors. The dramatic fit PLUS a pattern is just way too much for me to handle. (An important note for me so I don’t repeat that shopping mistake!) I didn’t really bother tucking or styling because of the heat, and shockingly I didn’t feel frumpy. I just felt free.

allyship notes

If you haven’t watched When They See Us on Netflix, I would add it to your list. It’s a heavy series but an important one. Oprah did a follow up “reunion” of sorts with the boys — grown men now — and it broke my heart that their young lives were shaped so much by this experience. One surprise to me: there’s even a little glimpse into the overtly racist actions of our president, long before he ran this country.
