Puffy Sleeve Blouse

We usually reserve Descanso Gardens for the holidays, because they have a spectacular light display. But as I’ve been taking suggestions for places to visit while still avoiding crowds (not an easy task in L.A), this spot came up a lot. You have to reserve your time to avoid crowding, but I was still nervous pulling into the parking lot because it looked pretty busy. At least everyone wore masks and there’s room to spread out once you get inside. And while it’s not exactly Stevie’s scene, we did take advantage of some gorgeous weather — for about 20 minutes. Stevie humored me and smelled a couple flowers, but mostly he was there because he knew a snack would possibly be involved. And once he got his cookie and lemonade, he was ready to go! At least he said “thanks for this nice little date, mom.”

outfit notes

I found this puffy sleeve blouse a little while back on — you guessed it — Poshmark. (It’s the Doen O’Keefe in the color spice, in case you’re looking.) This type of puffy sleeve blouse proves to be a bit tricky for me, because I don’t typically go for “pretty” clothes. They sometimes feel too precious and I generally choose practicality over anything else. It’s also difficult for me to tread that line of boho/feminine without going full prairie milkmaid. I love those styles on other people, but they are so not me. Instagram has played the trick on me many, many times and made me think I would like to wear poofy floofy outfits. But when it comes down to it, I had to learn through trial and error that I don’t. Somehow this style, along with the Jane blouse by the same brand, strikes the right chord for me. And when it’s secondhand, I don’t spend as much money, so it doesn’t feel too special to wear on the daily.

allyship notes

I will rarely refer to Twitter because I don’t like it. But when you get a minute, you’ve got to read this thread on Fred Hampton. I learned so much. Not only about him and the Black Panthers, but especially how and why the negative narrative given to the group of activists has lasted for decades.
