Winter Goals: Check-In + New Goals for Spring

Thanks for stopping in!  Since we are well into Spring, let’s go ahead and check-in with some goals.

W I N T E R   G O A L S:

Continue to reduce waste // Constantly working on this one.  I have definitely cut back on my use of paper products in the kitchen, but somehow my car is feeling like a garbage can on wheels again.  Wait, most garbage cans ARE on wheels.  But you know what I mean.  Keeping this on the list for Spring.

Take a trip // Went to NOLA and it was amazing!

Have dinner together at the table once a week // Uhhh, I kind of forgot about this one.  I think we have dinner at the table about once a week?  But I wasn’t really keeping track.  Oops.

January burpee challenge // We almost accomplished this one.  Even doing some of the challenge while we were in New Orleans.  I was very impressed with that.  But we didn’t make it all the way to the end of the month.  It was a lot of freakin burpees dude.

Learn to use my serger // I’m doing it!  I’ve learned to thread the machine and do basic stitches.  Now I need to work on adjusting all the settings for different types of fabric.  I mostly use linen, so I haven’t had to learn that stuff yet!

Set some biz goals // Fail.  The thought of work and business occupied a ton of brain space all winter, but I just haven’t made any decisions or set any clear-cut goals.  Some days I’ll wake up thinking I’m going to quit photography — and the next day I’m like how do I grow my business though?  So I’m all over the place.  But with Spring in the air, I’m just kind of taking it one day at a time.  Accepting a few jobs a month and not overdoing it.  Doing the usual Instagramming and only writing for the blog when I feel like it.  I’d still love to put my whole heart into something someday but maybe I haven’t even found it yet!  I’ll keep my options open.

And now for some S P R I N G   G O A L S !

Continue to reduce waste // We get the idea already.

Clean out my closet// I’ve been hanging onto a lot of items that I’m not wearing all that much.  I used to be so good about purging, maybe a little too good.  But now when I spend money on things, I really do love them.  However if I’m not wearing them, I just want them gone.  Keeping a small, ethical wardrobe, keeps my head clear.  And keeping sustainability in mind, I now feel guilty getting rid of stuff.  So I’m going to be selling some things over on instagram and donating the rest to a women’s shelter.

Organize the garage // We have Closet World coming at the end of the month to put up cabinetry in the garage.  This means another purge and making sure everything has a place.  Very exciting.

Clean out kitchen cabinets, the junk drawer, and the fabric stash // I guess I’m in the mood for some spring cleaning — all my goals are to organize.  We’ve been in our house for almost 3 years and while I do feel settled, I also feel like a lot of stuff just got put away for he sake of unpacking without ever truly finding a home.  I’d love to give the kitchen a once-over and find better places for certain things.  And my fabric stash is already shrinking.  I’m working through what I have before I buy any more.

Film a tutorial on how to make a jumpsuit // I made a yellow jumpsuit last week (seen here) and Instagram went nuts for it.  So I’m going to work on filming a simple tutorial that will show if I can do it, then anyone can!

Be better about helping Stevie with homework // We are so busy, I sometimes get like 3 weeks behind on Stevie’s homework.  We always eventually finish it, but I’d like to do it as more of a scheduled activity every day.  It’s such a tiny amount of work, I know we can squeeze it in.

Spoil my husband a little bit // This guy.  He works so hard and doesn’t ask for much.  So I’d love to have some relaxation time with him, or at least schedule something for him where he can just take a load off and enjoy himself.  With his birthday coming up, it’s a perfect excuse.  Although he deserves it any and all the time!

Be more mindful of phone use // This is a goal that I don’t wanna set.  I just don’t.  It requires too much accountability on how I’m spending my time and I think I’m afraid of really looking at that.  It’s easier to use my phone when I feel like it.  But I’m hoping that maybe setting timers or turning it off at certain times of day will help me use my brain in other ways.  So right now, I’m testing out some apps and trying to figure out what works best for me so I’m not getting sucked into a big fat time wasting pattern.

Wish me luck!